The adventures of Captain John Patterson with notices of the officers, &c. of the 50th, or Queen's own regiment, from 1807 to 1821.【電子書籍】[ Captain John Patterson ]


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The adventures of Captain John Patterson with notices of the officers, &c. of the 50th, or Queen's own regiment, from 1807 to 1821.【電子書籍】[ Captain John Patterson ]
The adventures of Captain John Patterson with notices of the officers, &c. of the 50th, or Queen's own regiment, from 1807 to 1821.【電子書籍】[ Captain John Patterson ]
The adventures of Captain John Patterson with notices of the officers, &c. of the 50th, or Queen's own regiment, from 1807 to 1821.【電子書籍】[ Captain John Patterson ]